What is Shocking?
Shocking is the routine burning of contaminants in your pool water.
Always run your filter 8 to 10 hours after shocking your pool.
Always test and adjust your pH level to 7.2 - 7.6 after shocking your pool.
Always apply shock at night to maximize the effects of any shock Treatment.
Pool professionals recommend Green Out Pool Shock, here's why.
Green Out:
64% Active
Easiest shock to use
100% soluble, no pre-dissolving
Keeps your pH level neutral
Helps prevent and destroy algae
7 Day Chlorine Residual
Liquid Shock :
Only 6% Active
60 day shelf life
Only a 1-2 day residual
Can cause eye and skin irritation
Power Shock - 1lb Bags
Only 40% Active
Can cause cloudy water
Must be premixed before putting into pool
Can cause staining of liner if not mixed properly